Report of Belarus’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations Valentin Rybakov

  • 5
  • 3:37

Belarus will work to make the UN more effective, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he met with Belarus’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations Valentin Rybakov to receive his report on 18 July.

“We have been supporting this organization and will continue to do so in the future. We are one of the founding countries of the United Nations. We see the weaknesses, but they are not the fault of [UN Secretary-General António] Guterres and the organization. They are our joint weaknesses, because the UN is a collective body. Everyone has their voice and opinion. Everyone has the right to vote one way or another, to speak their mind. We understand it very well, but we will work to make the UN more effective,” the head of state said.

“Recently, as you know, I met with António Guterres. It was an interesting conversation, an interesting meeting. Some media, especially internet outlets, interpreted it differently. They claimed that Guterres made some complaints against us. You understand perfectly well, being based in New York, no complaints were made against us. On the contrary, we received a positive feedback,” the head of state said.

“Whatever the feedback... We see what is happening there, in the place of your work. Today we evaluate the ‘democracy’ and the hegemon, and other things accordingly. But these are their issues,” the Belarusian leader noted.