Meeting with First Lady of Zimbabwe Auxillia Mnangagwa

  • 13
  • 4:01

At a meeting with First Lady of Zimbabwe Auxillia Mnangagwa, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed his determination to implement all agreements reached with Zimbabwe on 10 July.

Aleksandr Lukashenko welcomed the guest and the accompanying delegation to Belarus. “I am very glad that you have come to us when we are celebrating Slavic culture [the international arts festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk] and have brought a small piece of Zimbabwean culture with you. You know very well our attitude to you, your country and your president. We are ready to offer all kinds of support and services during your stay in Belarus and later on,” the head of state said. 

“You know that we are looking forward to the visit of the president of Zimbabwe to Belarus. We will provide him with all possible assistance in his mission. We will try our best to bring all our ideas and plans to fruition. You are well familiar with Belarus. I know that you are accompanied by representatives of the business community of Zimbabwe. It’s good that these are women. They have a sharper eye. They will take notice of all the best things that Belarus has, including the things that we are ready to jointly implement in Zimbabwe and elsewhere. Please convey to Emmerson [President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa], my old friend, our best wishes and tell him about our determination to implement our agreements,” the head of state said.

He noted that the newly appointed minister of foreign affairs of Belarus will be directly responsible for relations with African countries. “He is very well-versed in this subject. I think he will be able to visit you in the near future. And, if necessary, we will adjust our near-term plans and tasks,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko. 

The president highlighted the importance and significance of the cause the first lady of Zimbabwe undertook. This cause focuses on the development of public health and child nutrition. “Have no doubt, we will always be by your side in this matter and will do everything we can,” the head of state assured. 

“In a word, we have very big, ambitious plans. We really want to work in your country and do something useful for the people of Zimbabwe. You can count on us,” added Aleksandr Lukashenko.

Auxillia Mnangagwa thanked the Belarusian head of state for the invitation to visit Belarus again and for the opportunity to come to Minsk with a big delegation. “We are very happy to be here and we appreciate the warm welcome we have received in Belarus,” she said. The Zimbabwean delegation includes representatives of a women’s public association under the patronage of the first lady; members of this association represent companies working in various economic sectors, including mining, agriculture, banking, information and tourism. The delegation will meet with members of the Belarusian Women’s Union and study the cultural potential of Belarus. In turn, Zimbabwe will present “a small piece of its culture” in Belarus, said Auxillia Mnangagwa. 

The first lady thanked Aleksandr Lukashenko personally for the support that Belarus provides to the government of Zimbabwe and its leader Emmerson Mnangagwa. “Our country is also under sanctions, which makes your support particularly valuable.” 

One example of such assistance was the transfer of a mobile medical complex equipped with an X-ray machine to Zimbabwe. “We got a 'mobile hospital' and it means a lot to us,” emphasized Auxillia Mnangagwa. According to her, this mobile clinic has already proved useful in improving public health, especially women’s health; therefore Zimbabwean people are immensely grateful to the Belarusian side for this assistance.