About the Internet Portal
The Official Internet Portal of the President of the Republic of Belarus is the state information resource which ensures Internet coverage of the activities of the Belarusian Head of State, provides general information about the Republic of Belarus.
About the status of legal documents
Decrees, ordinances and executive orders issued by the President of the Republic of Belarus are published in the section Official Documents. The section does not have the status of a legal framework. Legal and executive documents are published in the section for information purposes. All legal documents are published without additions and amendments.
Updated legal documents are available on the website of the National Legal Portal of the Republic of Belarus www.law.by.
Using materials of the portal
Materials of the portal can be reproduced in mass outlets or Internet servers without restrictions on the amount of material and the time of publication. The only condition is that any reproduction of materials should contain a reference to the original source. No prior consent from the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus is required to use the materials of the portal.