Visit to Mongolian culture center

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The Presidents of Belarus and Mongolia, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, visited the Mongolian culture center on 4 June.

Aleksandr Lukashenko got acquainted with the traditions and customs of the people of Mongolia.

Immediately upon arrival, the leaders of the countries planted Siberian spruces on the grounds of the center.

In honor of the distinguished guest from Belarus, the center has recreated the atmosphere of the Mongolian national festival Naadam celebrated annually in July. It features vocal and choreographic performances mixed with traditional Mongolian sports. One of them is wrestling.

Aleksandr Lukashenko was shown a traditional Mongolian shooting bow. Arrows are made of deer antlers and bamboo, and the bowstring is made of natural silk threads. The heads of state watched the shooting by the masters. Together with his Mongolian counterpart, the Belarusian President also tried his hand at bow shooting and sent the arrow flew more than 75 meters at the first attempt.

The heads of state continued their communication over an informal lunch.

Aleksandr Lukashenko has gifted two BELARUS tractors of different models to the Mongolian President.

In turn, Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh gave Aleksandr Lukashenko a pair of Mongolian horses.

Both stallions are red duns. They have already got nicknames: Peace and Nimble.