Visit to military training area near Grodno

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A color revolution scenario is being implemented against Belarus; the distinctive feature of this scenario is the use of an external factor, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he inspected a military training area near Grodno on 22 August.

At the military training area of the 6th Separate Guards Mechanized Brigade, Defense Minister FViktor Khrenin informed the head of state about the general idea of a comprehensive tactical exercise with an aggregate group at the Grodno tactical direction. He also updated the President on the situation at the Belarusian border.

“Everything is clear. Just as we thought, everything is unfolding in line with a color revolution plan with attempts to foment political tensions inside the country. The uniqueness of the situation is that an external factor is at play, which does not happen all the time. Usually, they act from inside, overthrow the existing government. However, as the authorities are on the ground and are resisting resolutely [not only resisting, but also in control of the situation], they involved an external factor,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

According to the President, opponents want to stretch Belarusian military and law enforcement thin, to draw them away from the domestic situation and put pressure on them at the external border. He added that simultaneously, there are attempts to stir up protest moods and banditry. “You see they are already trying to bring in ‘the alternative president’, they are doing it in earnest, because western states are making multiple statements pledging finances and other types of support. The military support is obvious – the relocation of NATO troops to our borders. This all is being done to bring here the alleged new president. This person is addressing western states, in other words NATO, to protect people. If they bring in their troops, Belarus is doomed,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized that these actions and corresponding statements of western countries are a direct interference in the situation in Belarus. “I am talking about financing, attempts to make us sit down at the negotiating table with the OSCE. It is clear why they are doing it,” the Belarusian leader said.

The President instructed the defense minister and the chief of the Western Operative Command to make every effort to ‘defend, first of all, the western gem of Belarus with the center in Grodno’. “The toughest measures should be taken to defend the territorial integrity of our country,” he emphasized.

The head of state inspected the assembling point of the 52nd tank battalion and the command post of a missile battalion. The defense minister updated Aleksandr Lukashenko on current developments and tasks. After that, the President left to inspect the Polonez battalion by helicopter.

A reminder, at the recent Security Council session, the head of state instructed the Defense Ministry to pay utmost attention to the relocation of NATO troops to the territory of Poland and Lithuania. “We should track their movements and their intentions. However, at present we are fully aware of their intentions. It does not bother us much. But certain facts, especially in the Grodno direction, raise concern. Therefore, we must take measures and do not hesitate to deploy our Armed Forces and hardware towards the directions of their movement,” the head of state said.

“This means that we need to keep an eye on these issues, especially in Grodno, in the Grodno direction. Because there is a great desire to destabilize the situation there even more than in Minsk," the Belarusian leader added.