Aleksandr Lukashenko makes personnel decisions

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Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko made personnel decisions on 30 May.

The head of state appointed:

Konstantin Molostov as Chairman of the State Border Committee.

The President gave the go-ahead to the appointment of:

Andrei Khmel as Grodno Mayor, member of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee;

Igor Moroz as Chairman of the Orsha District Executive Committee;

Anatoly Lodyga as Chairman of the Soligorsk District Executive Committee;

Yuri Karlovich as Chairman of the Kletsk District Executive Committee;

Vadim Perednya as Head of the Pervomaisky District Administration of Minsk.

It is necessary to improve the operation of the border troops, Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he appointed Head of the Grodno Border Group Konstantin Molostov as Chairman of the State Border Committee.

According to Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko, Konstantin Molostov has experience of running various units within the State Border Committee and is ready to fulfill the tasks facing the State Border Committee.

“Any flaws?” the head of state asked on the first place. “Everything looks fine, everything looks perfect. An impeccable person. Why then didn’t he get a promotion for so long? If there is something wrong about him, I want to know. Otherwise, it will be like in healthcare: there are a lot of problems behind a nice facade,” he said.

“As far as his weak sides are concerned, he lacks the experience of working in the central office,” said State Secretary of the Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich. “Thus, he is jumping over the position of deputy chairman of the State Border Committee. Yet, I believe that his experience and education will help him to quickly settle in,” Aleksandr Volfovich said.

Konstantin Molostov worked his way up the career ladder from an ordinary border guard and head of a border outpost to the head of a border group.

“A true border guard. What does the central office have to do with it? We need border guards on the so-called green border,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The head of state noted that the border troops get special attention not because the President once served there. Although, it also plays a role. “I served as an ordinary border guard, in other words, I know what a border is. Therefore, if I arrive at the border, you won’t be able to deceive me by showing a nice facade: I know exactly what to inspect, I know the types of border patrols and how they operate,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“The border troops have been working very hard lately. You know it well. They had to work a lot with these illegal immigrants; murdered migrants are still dumped across the border by Poles and Lithuanians. God will deal with them. These are their problems, not ours. I believe that there is still room for improvement in the border service. We must recall the best practices of the Soviet Union and adapt them to the current situation,” the President emphasized.

Difficult times are ahead of us, Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he addressed the new heads of local authorities.

"Things will not be easy; you are on the front line. Difficult times are ahead of us," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President recalled that the elections of local councils and deputies of the House of Representatives will be held next year. The Belarusian People's Assembly will be held in a new format. These campaigns, he stressed, must be carried out honestly, with dignity and smoothly. "The Presidential election is just around the corner. Therefore, special attention should be paid to working with people," the head of state said.

"There are no questions that do not concern you. Schools, community centers, sports facilities, hospitals… These issues fall within your terms of reference. We should avoid the situations like the one we had recently in the town of Uzda. At the recent meeting, I said that the commission would revisit the hospitals they already toured. And you know what? They went to Uzda and the things there turned out to be worse than during their first visit. This is not good. Now you are taking charge of a district, a town. This is a very interesting job. Settle in at your new jobs and start running the process. I ask again to be attentive to people, specialists. Don't shoot from the hip. When you cannot fix a problem, please talk to people and explain why. Everything should be fair, then fewer people will be dissatisfied," the President said.

"There are no questions in your district that do not concern you. They are all your responsibility. Even if an enterprise is of national subordination in Orsha, it's still your responsibility. Human resources, their performance is your responsibility. If something goes wrong, report to the President Administration. They are responsible for personnel matters. New appointments are good ones. I really hope that there will be a result," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The head of state touched on the situation in Orsha District: "A very interesting city and district. There is something to work with. Things are good in agriculture, but management could be more efficient. The manufacturing sector is strong. Orsha is a beautiful city. Russia is nearby. Russia is ready to buy wholesale everything they manufacture in Orsha."

Addressing Igor Moroz, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that his new position as chairman of the Orsha District Executive Committee is an opportunity for him to prove himself: "This is a good start. If you do well, then your career will be flourishing.”

"I will do my best," Igor Moroz replied.

Igor Moroz did a good job at his former place of work: the head of Senno District. In this regard, the President announced his plans to visit Senno District this year and see how things are in the district.

The head of state also mentioned the specifics of Orsha District where Aleksandr Lukashenko was born and where he still often travels and intimately familiar with the state of affairs there. "Professional people are important. Do not shoot from the hip, try to figure out the root of the problem. Pursue your policy very clearly, without looking at who is around you," the Belarusian leader noted. “This is the homeland of the President. There are many people who will be asking for favors. Never mind them. Or do but make decisions yourself.