Working visit to Kazakhstan

  • 5
  • 1:20

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has arrived in Kazakhstan's capital Astana to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit.

Aleksandr Lukashenko is expected to have a number of meetings and negotiations with foreign counterparts during the summit. Heads of several states and international organizations have already arrived in Astana. Among them are the leaders of Russia, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, and the UN secretary-general.

The international forum will include a session of the SCO Heads of State Council as well as an SCO+ meeting involving leaders of observer states, distinguished guests, and heads of international organizations. The meeting will focus on “Strengthening multilateral dialogue - the pursuit of sustainable peace and development.”

Completing the procedure for Belarus’ accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a member state will be the main item on the summit’s agenda for Belarus.

In his speech during the summit Aleksandr Lukashenko is expected to touch upon the most significant directions in the organization’s work and the contribution Belarus is ready to make to the accomplishment of common tasks.

Participants of the SCO Heads of State Council session will discuss matters concerning further improvement of the integration association’s work with a view to strengthening and deepening multilateral interaction in new conditions. They will also take a look at current international and regional affairs in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization region.

An Astana declaration is expected to be passed during the session in addition to over 20 various decisions and statements concerning various spheres of cooperation.