October Revolution greetings

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko extended October Revolution greetings to Belarusians.

    “This event marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the Belarusian people who got a chance to create a national state on their native land, to become a full-fledged subject of international relations,” the message of greetings reads. “October 1917 fulfilled the aspirations of millions of working people in the world for a just society based on the principles of people’s power, mutual social responsibility and humanism. These ideas still remain a viable alternative to the colonial policy of capitalism in its modern form. The Soviet project of the Union of Socialist Republics, based on the equality of nations and respect for their cultures and traditions, remains a beacon for countries seeking to live in peace and to work for the common good.”

    The head of state stressed that Belarus has preserved the achievements of the Soviet era, multiplying them with the accomplishments of the sovereign period. “We remember the tragic events of the past, perpetuate the victories and the names of the heroes of the thousand-year history of the Belarusian people, whose examples of courage and wisdom help us overcome challenges and build a reliable foundation for the future,” the President said.

    On this festive day Aleksandr Lukashenko wished Belarusians good health, happiness and new achievements for the benefit of the Fatherland.