“Open Microphone with the President” at Vitebsk State University

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Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko held a Q&A session titled “Open Microphone with the President” at Vitebsk State University on 2 September.

Before meeting with students at Vitebsk State University, Aleksandr Lukashenko got familiar with the state and prospects of the university's development.

The head of state was interested in the fulfillment of the enrollment plan, provision of student accommodation, and what specialties are trained at the university. For example, the university, in cooperation with Vitebsk Medical University, is developing IT-medicine. There are also serious achievements in biochemistry, biotechnology, and ecology.

There are all opportunities for active social life, physical training and sports. “The stadium is just ideal,” Rector of Vitebsk State University Valentina Bogatyreva said thanking the President for his support.

The head of state also took note of the names of some faculties at the university.

For example, the Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications. It used to be called simply the Faculty of Philology, but after several new specialties emerged, the name was changed on the advice of scientists. “We sometimes try to play smart where there is absolutely no need for that, trying hard to stay on trend, not be retrogrades. We need to stay simple, to be understandable for people,” the head of state said.

In this regard, he pointed out that in his time after the collapse of the USSR people shied away from such words as ideology or propaganda. But there is nothing wrong with them. “Aren’t we agitating for something? I always campaign you to do this or that,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Valentina Bogatyreva gifted the new textbook “Modern Political Economy” to the President.

“What place does the Marxist-Leninist ideology occupy in this modern political economy?” the head of state said.

“The primary one,” the rector replied.

“Have you decided to go back to it?” Aleksandr Lukashenko wondered.

Valentina Bogatyreva said that she is an economist by education. She explained that the approaches that have been used to teach students at universities for more than two decades often do not work. After all, the Belarusian economy is regulated in contrast to the theory of self-regulating markets.

In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that other countries also regulate their economies. For example, Kamala Harris is now being criticized in the United States for her proposal to regulate prices.

They also talked about psychologists’ training and how much this profession was in demand. “We need to take a serious look at these specialties. We train [specialists], and these are one-of-a-kind specialists. I have always believed that a manager is the first psychologist,” the head of state added.

The university is developing international activities. In particular, the head of state was welcomed by students from China who presented him with a special diploma with calligraphic inscription in Chinese. It contains wishes for health, wellbeing and prosperity.

In the foyer of the educational building Aleksandr Lukashenko watched the performance of the student puppet theater Batleika. The President liked this mini-presentation and suggested to stage a similar welcome for visitors to the Palace of Independence.

The head of state also viewed an exhibition of scientific activities of universities in Vitebsk Oblast. The display featured such branches as medicine, petrochemical and textile industries, and veterinary science.

“Today is a special day for your university. Not only because the President has come (although this does not happen often). Unfortunately, I have not been to your university before. Considering that we have fifty universities and other educational institutions, it is not so easy to visit them all during the presidential term. There is also another reason [for the visit],” noted Aleksandr Lukashenko during the open mic session.

The head of state recalled that at the February meeting with rectors he had given an instruction to schedule visits to universities located in the capital city and in the regions. “Secondly, the time has come to have a serious conversation with you - the generation that will continue the historical path of Belarus in a rapidly changing world. The world has changed, events are happening fast, the pace is supersonic,” the President said.

“You would agree that today we look at yesterday's innovations as museum items. It's not just about science, technology, the real sector of the economy. This also concerns the social sphere and human relations. But the problem is not about speed. It is about countries and peoples being dragged into a race for the possession of technology. Nothing new. We have seen this all before, with little differences,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

The head of state is confident that the ‘open microphone’ format will give an opportunity to discuss all the issues of interest with students and hear fresh ideas and proposals from them that may be useful for the country.

The President explained why he chose Vitebsk State University named after Piotr Masherov for this visit. The head of state had never been there before. “I am glad that our meeting is taking place right now when we mark the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazi invaders. Your university holds a special place in our history,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

Three graduates of the university were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Those were Konstantin Abazovsky, Mikhail Vysogorets and Piotr Masherov, after whom the university was named.

“I am glad that you honor the memory of your predecessors, maintain the continuity of generations, traditions. I would really like you to remain one of the best universities in the country, and not only in the country, but also in neighboring countries. You have tremendous potential, and I think you can significantly improve when it comes to education, research and work with students,” the Belarusian leader believes.

The President congratulated undergraduate and postgraduate students on Knowledge Day. The head of state noted that this holiday set into motion the entire country, including Vitebsk.

“More than a million schoolchildren and about 500,000 college and university students are going to school. In fact, today we will start living according to the new academic calendar. Perhaps, university and college students no longer feel that much excited about the beginning of a new academic year or semester. But you are adults. I am sure that, looking at the little ones with bouquets of flowers, each of you gets a warm feeling recalling your school days,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.

He wished that this academic year would be exciting, filled with new discoveries, positive emotions, and the joy of meeting interesting people. “Soak up knowledge and learn new skills, so that in just a few years you will become professionals in your field of study and have a good life,” the President told the youth.