Opening of 33rd international arts festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk

  • 23
  • 14:07

The international art festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk has become a family holiday and a celebration of traditional values. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the festival’s opening ceremony on 11 July.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that the festival had become an entire age while its philosophy “Through art towards peace and mutual understanding” has deep roots.

“The first stone of the city that we rightfully call our cultural capital was placed here, on the picturesque bank of the Dvina River 1,050 years ago. There is something in this corner of Belarus that for centuries inspired the creation of masterpieces of figurative arts, unique specimens of architecture, great works of literature and music as well as festivals, contests, and multiple other projects,” the head of state said. “A unique atmosphere was created here for centuries. An atmosphere of creative pursuit. An atmosphere of the dialogue of civilizations. For centuries trade routes that connect the east and the west, the north and the south intersected here. This city imbibed new ideas and concepts with gratitude. And it developed because of it.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted it is the reason why the history of the festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk started here: in the city of people, who are renowned across the globe, people, whose careers went through the city’s workshops. Vitebsk has become a creative birthplace of genuine geniuses.

“When we hear about it, we imagine monumental portraits and sculptures of Azgur, unusually live images created by Repin, Pen, and Malevich. We look at Vitebsk’s cityscapes through eyes of Chagall, who drew the favorite city his entire life. Even when he was thousands of kilometers away from it. When we think about this city, we recall Lagin, who gifted a fairy-tale character to Soviet kids: Old Khottabych. We hum the tune of the Road to Berlin, the song that Fradkin composed one year before the Great Victory. We honor the memory of the talented military leader Ivan Lyudnikov, who supervised the operation to liberate Vitebsk Oblast during the Great Patriotic War. We take pride in the Nobel Prize winner Zhores Alferov, who was born in the city upon Dvina and has become a legend of the world science. Speaking of Vitebsk, we recall our contemporaries as well: an entire constellation of artists we can no longer imagine our festival without,” the Belarusian leader cited a number of examples.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed: “The Slavonic soul has no boundaries. It is open to the entire world. This is why our festival went beyond geographical limits of the Slavonic brotherhood a long time ago.”

This forum has gathered like-minded people from about 40 countries, including Russia, India, China, and Colombia.

“Today we welcome culture ministers and art collectives from countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for the first time. It is now our organization, too. It is a significant event in the country’s life. We’ve joined the community of countries future belongs to. The future of development of humanity on principles of equality, respect, and creation. At least that’s the spirit that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is full of today,” the President said.

The program of the current festival includes a day of national cultures of Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries. “May it become a symbolic beginning of our joint journey towards common goals. The goals that unite more than half of the planet’s population: the people, to whom the philosophy of our festival is close and understandable. In it is the key to peace and mutual understanding. People of art, talented people give the key to us,” the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Today this festival unites people of different generations, religions, and cultures, who are true connoisseurs of art and have the most diverse preferences ranging from avant-garde to classics. But most importantly it has become a genuine family holiday, a celebration of traditional values. Residents and our guests can definitely rest their souls here.”

He offered words of gratitude to organizers of the forum, artists, masters of arts and to everyone, who comes to Belarus every year in order to spend the best days of the festival summer here. “Thanks to you the history of Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk continues and will continue even after us. Together with our children and grandchildren,” the President stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished limitless inspiration and bright creative ideas to all participants of the festival. He encouraged the spectators to rest their hearts and souls together with the artists.

The head of state declared the 33rd international art festival Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk open.

The opening of Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk is always the time of triumph of cultural figures, whose art unites countries and nations.

“However hard some may try to silence and diminish the significance of our festival, it is futile. The festival is famous across the entire planet,” the head of state is convinced.

Aleksandr Lukashenko presented the festival’s key prize – the Belarus President’s special prize “Through art towards peace and mutual understanding” – to People’s Artist of Russia Grigory Leps.

The President also presented prizes of the Union State of Belarus and Russia for literature and art for 2023-2024 to people, who had made a significant contribution to the reinforcement of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also presented the Grand Prix to a young talented singer, who won the international children’s music contest Vitebsk. “To a little star, who has yet to shine on the musical sky,” he noted. Yasmina Khusniddinova, a singer from Uzbekistan, has won the children’s contest this year.

After presenting the well-deserved awards Aleksandr Lukashenko once again congratulated the laureates: “Accept sincere congratulations not only from me. On behalf of the entire Belarusian nation, on behalf of the Slavs, who are gathered here, in this huge hall, allow me to congratulate you on these excellent awards. May they be yet another award.”

“Happiness and strong health to you. Live long and be calm: everything will be fine!” the Belarusian leader wished everyone in conclusion.