Сeremony to unveil memorial complex in memory of burned villages of Mogilev Oblast

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Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko took part in a ceremony to unveil a memorial complex in memory of the burned villages of Mogilev Oblast, which is located in the village of Borki, Kirovsk District, on 20 June.

The head of state got familiar with the memorial complex, paid tribute to the victims of Nazism and talked with the participants of the event.

“We will never forget how the ideas of racial superiority destroy souls. Never! Because even after the fall of Hitler's regime, the ideas of fascism have not become a thing of the past. They live in those who today call the holiday of 9 May ‘the victory of demons’, who destroy monuments to the liberators, who heroize traitors and collaborators, worship Nazi symbols,” the president said.

According to him, this shows that the world has not learned the lessons. Some states and governments still do not notice and sometimes encourage the manifestations of radicalism in society, and sometimes open terrorism, as it was before the Second World War.

“I will put it straight: the Belarusians will not allow fascism, hatred under the banner of democracy on their land,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. "We will continue to teach our children the values of peace and human life.”

A child who will visit one of the Belarusian memorials with a similar history will never allow even a thought that there are people who are unworthy to live and be free, the president believes.

“We will raise every new generation of Belarusians passing them over the memory of not only the heroic deeds of their ancestors but also of the pain which made our people stronger, taught to protect peace. Belarus will remember so that other countries will not forget who paid the heaviest price for the Great Victory, who freed the lands conquered by Hitler's Germany and who saved the peoples from genocide. Let the symbols of the memorial complex in the village of Borki carry this truth through the centuries,” the Belarusian leader said.