Presidential grants awarded to 50 science, education, healthcare, culture, youth policy specialists

    Grants of the Belarus President have been awarded to specialists, who work in such spheres as science, education, healthcare, culture, youth policy and have made a significant contribution to the development of these areas. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the relevant order on 30 December.

    The grants are supposed to finance research and development in the area of materials science, medical science, biological science, agricultural science, to finance the application of modern methods, teaching materials, digital textbooks for the sake of improving the quality of education of school students and university students. The grants are also supposed to be spent on creating new methods and medical technologies for treating patients and diagnosing illnesses in such areas as surgery, oncology, anesthesiology, psychiatry, on realizing creative projects to make works of musical art, theater art, and other kinds of art, to create museum expositions and preserve national weaving traditions. The grants are supposed to be used to help implement youth projects aimed at patriotic upbringing, studies into historical legacy, at getting young Belarusians involved in public work, at encouraging civic engagement.

    The President’s order was signed in order to support and develop high-priority social spheres of activity – science, education, healthcare, culture, and youth initiatives.