Award ceremony for graduates and staff of higher education institutions

  • 19
  • 12:13

On 28 June, in the run-up to Independence Day and the 80th anniversary of the country's liberation from the Nazi invaders, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko held an award ceremony for graduates and the staff of higher education institutions.

“You have earned the right to be here, in the sanctum sanctorum of the country’s political life - the Palace of Independence,” the head of state remarked. “This place has hosted all kinds of people: foreign dignitaries, senior officials, people receiving state awards and scientific degrees.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko went on saying: “But your presence adds a very special meaning to the everyday political life and solemn events. You are a symbol of the future, the future of our native Belarus. Just yesterday you defended your theses and passed a serious state exam. The confident look in your eyes suggests that you are ready to rise up to all kinds of professional challenges. Behind you are many days of hard work, sleepless nights, and anxiety of your family and friends.”

“You have a difficult, but interesting life ahead. It is difficult because things are changing so fast. Therefore, when meeting with young people, I always say: do everything in time. Get an education in time, expand your knowledge, start families, give birth to children. This is the key to success for any person,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President is convinced that the drive to prove oneself and to live up to expectations is the surest path to results.

The head of state noted: “I am not going to school you, you can listen to me or find your own path to success. I am absolutely sure that you set your life priorities right. That’s why you are here, in the place that hosts no random people.”

“I see your potential,” Aleksandr Lukashenko continued. “After all, you have already achieved great success both in the academic field and in community work. I believe that new achievements are not long in coming. But I am sure that you have already passed the most difficult period.”

The President remarked: “I sincerely wish you to stay true to yourselves, no matter who you become, no matter what career heights you reach in the future.”

The head of state went on saying: “Your time has come. If you look at it, times are never easy. This is how things work – you  need to overcome hardships in order to learn to enjoy life.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko also wished everyone to achieve their goals and fulfill their plans for the benefit of their Motherland.

The head of state expressed gratitude to the teaching staff: "Thank you for your work. This is the most important work. You have come a very long way to become an educator. You have studied a lot, worked hard and continue to improve your competencies." 

"In your profession you need to keep up with the times and lead the way for your students. There is no other way," the President said.

He wished the teachers strength, patience and pride for every student they put their hearts into.

Aleksandr Lukashenko highlighted the importance of the fact that the award ceremony is held in the run-up to the main state holiday - Independence Day, and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders.

"Today's ceremony of honoring the best graduates and the best teachers is our tribute to the memory of the generation of winners," the head of state said. "Every success is a token of gratitude to the heroes who fought and died for a peaceful future. We built it, and we must preserve it. We definitely will."

The head of state admitted that he is nervous whenever he meets with young people. “I always think about your attitude to our policies. There are different opinions, different perceptions, but my dream is that you assess and perceive what is happening now in the right way,” the Belarusian leader noted.

“Indeed, the basis of life is not destruction, but creation. And creation implies tapping into the experience and achievements of humankind,” the President emphasized. “Today we have talked a lot about Belarus and many things that we have done. Yet, our achievements pale in comparison with what has been done before us,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

“Yet, had we not stood on the shoulders of giants, as great people said, had we not built on what had been created before us, we would not have had this meeting today,” noted Aleksandr Lukashenko.

“Therefore, appreciate what was done before you. Make the most of it. Use it to improve not only your personal life, but also to build a better future for the country as a whole. Although the destiny of the state is the destiny of each of you personally,” President concluded.

Students and teachers were taken on a tour of the Palace of Independence ahead of the award ceremony.