Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

General information

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is a government agency in charge of regulating and coordinating efforts aimed at protecting the environment and using natural resources in Belarus.

Main tasks

  • to pursue a unified state policy in the sphere of environmental protection and the rational usage of natural resources, usage and protection of subsurface resources, and in the sphere of hydrometeorological activities in line with laws and regulations;
  • to exercise government control in the area of studying, protection, reproduction, and rational usage of natural resources, including subsurface resources, water bodies, flora and fauna, in the area of environmental protection, and state oversight in the area of hydrometeorology, ecological certification, and ecological audit;
  • to coordinate efforts of other central government agencies, municipal authorities, organizations in matters of ecological safety, environmental protection, and rational usage of natural resources, including subsurface resources, in matters of hydrometeorological activities, the regulation of impact on climate and the ozone layer;
  • to regulate geological studies of subsurface resources and hydrometeorological activities, to enable conditions conducive to the development of organizations of all types of ownership that perform these kinds of economic activities;
  • to exercise government control in the area of environmental protection and rational usage of natural resources, in the area of hydrometeorological activities as well as the usage and protection of subsurface resources;
  • to ensure preservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, to participate in the development and implementation of measures aimed at reproducing flora and fauna.


10 Kollektornaya Street, Minsk, 220004

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