Women’s forum For Belarus

  • 12
  • 13:32

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko unexpectedly appeared at the women’s forum For Belarus that took place in Minsk Arena on 17 September.

“The first and most important reason why I am here is to show that I really appreciate what is going on here. You cannot even imagine what a brilliant page in the history of new Belarus you have written with this event that brought together people from all corners of our small, but very comfortable, beautiful and amazing Motherland. You are writing our history. It is great that this page will be bright, beautiful, integral, uncorrupted and real,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he knew about the forum, but the circumstances were such that he had to deal with purely manly things. He did not think that the forum would last so long. “I was updated on the course of the forum every 20-30 minutes. I realized that I was not going to get to this momentous event. So I decided to send you a telegram message at least. Then I made the last call and they said that they were still bustling! So I made up my mind to change clothes on the way and come to the forum in order to say a couple of words to you,” the President said.