Meeting with Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Natalya Kochanova, and Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko

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  • 0:50

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus, the president’s authorized representative for the city of Minsk Natalya Kochanova, and Head of the Belarus President Administration Igor Sergeyenko on 28 July. Aleksandr Lukashenko, Natalya Kochanova, and Igor Sergeyenko discussed the organization of the forthcoming election campaign, matters concerning ideology and human resources.

Political matters were high on the agenda. The main one is the forthcoming election campaign. “We are about to begin an election campaign. It will be lengthy: this year and the next year started with municipal government agencies, municipal councils [elections of deputies of various municipal councils], the Belarusian People’s Congress (a new area for us) and ending with a presidential election. On the one hand, mobilization of people and our mobilization. On the other hand, certainly, we have to organize things in a way to prevent the country and the society from rocking like it happened in the past,” the head of state pointed out.

Personnel and ideology were also among the matters raised by the president. “We also have many problems here, many issues. It seems we work somehow but I’d like this work to be more effective,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.