Meeting with Secretary of Supreme National Security Council of Iran Ali Akbar Ahmadian

  • 6
  • 4:44

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran (SNSC) Ali Akbar Ahmadian on 13 September.

"First of all, I would like to thank you for finding time to visit the country and get acquainted with modern Belarus. Your visit is also important because we found ourselves in the same boat, maybe by the will of fate, or, as you say, it comes from Allah. We have absolutely no regrets about it. The media are trying to slander us. As experienced people, we understand that an information confrontation is underway. Maybe even with elements of information wars. Nevertheless, we can withstand sanctions and other pressures," the Belarusian leader said.

"During the acute military and political situation in the Middle East, in which you are deeply involved, we need more than just consultations on issues of the Belarusian borders and this European region. We need joint actions with your country. We are moving towards a multipolar world. It will be a very difficult way. Fortunately, both Iran and other countries understand it well," Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

He pointed out that such new organizations as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a full member of which Belarus has recently become, are gaining momentum. "In this regard, I would like to thank Iran for the tremendous support you have given us in a bid to join the SCO," the President said.

According to him, in the current difficult situation of confrontation, security matters come to the forefront. "You should agree that security is achieved through strong economy, close trade and economic ties between the countries," Aleksandr Lukashenko said. "We see a consistent increase in bilateral trade. Most importantly, we should not allow the trade and economic relations to slow down. Because it is the foundation of our joint actions and relations."

Aleksandr Lukashenko extended an invitation to Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian to pay a visit to Belarus.

“The Iranian people have recently suffered a great misfortune - your President has died. You have courageously passed this period, and have elected a new President. I congratulate you on this and ask you to tell your President that we are waiting for him in Belarus,” the head of state said.

If the Iranian side accepts the proposal, Belarus should prepare for the meeting at the highest level in all areas. "Economy, trade and economic relations, security, military and technological cooperation. As I understand, no topic is off-limits," the said.

"What is the most important, I want you to understand that Belarus has always been a reliable partner of Iran. We are ready to go our way with dignity," Aleksandr Lukashenko assured.

He also conveyed warm greetings and wishes to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

“I would like to ask you convey my wishes and congratulations to the newly-elected President [Masoud Pezeshkian won the Presidential election in Iran in July 2024] and also my warmest greetings to the Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei. We are very old friends and know him well. We are good friends and have known each other for many years,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

In turn, the foreign guest thanked the President of Belarus for the opportunity to meet. He noted that a number of bilateral meetings and negotiations at various levels had taken place recently. The Belarusian head of state visited Iran in March 2023, and Iranian delegations also came to Belarus. Ali Akbar Ahmadian specifically recalled the meeting between Aleksandr Lukashenko and Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei and the recommendations that were given to the Iranian leadership after this meeting.

“Let me convey the warmest regards from the spiritual leader of Iran and the President of Iran,” the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran continued. He thanked the Belarusian President for sending a delegation to the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of Iran Masoud Pezeshkian and for the condolences in connection with the tragic death of the previous head of state Ebrahim Raisi.