Video address to school leavers

  • 1:22

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko:

“Dear friends, the second – very difficult, I think the most difficult – stage in your lives is over. The first stage was, of course, kindergarten. The second was school. It was difficult because you had to learn everything at the same time, even the subjects you didn’t like, and do a lot of homework. It will be easier now. But only if you make the right choice about your future. You will have to focus on one or two concrete things. If you make the right choice, you will definitely have an interesting journey.

I want to give our students and school leavers one more advice. Do everything on time. Study on time, make future plans on time, start a career on time, set up families and bear children on time. Do everything on time! It will be much more difficult to do all that when you get carried away with other things. So good luck, kids!”