Third Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia

  • 13
  • 2:51

It is important for Belarus and Russia to join efforts in conditions of the global crisis. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the plenary session of the 3rd Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia on 8 June.

“It is in Belarus that we started the good tradition of holding forums of regions of Belarus and Russia. The first two held in Minsk and Sochi became the fundamental platforms for constructive dialogue on economic integration, interregional cooperation,” the Belarusian President said.

This year’s forum is dedicated to social and humanitarian issues. “We must recognize that a lot has been done in this area. The citizens of our countries have equal rights in the field of working conditions, pay, labor protection, and pensions. We have established the regulatory framework which provides free access to education. We have taken concrete steps to develop the common space in healthcare, culture, sports, tourism,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The President is convinced that Belarus and Russia should actively pursue further harmonization and convergence of the legal frameworks in the social and humanitarian sphere. It is needed to take into account the high degree of economic integration, common labor market and similar socio-demographic conditions. The head of state noted that the healthcare legislation requires deeper harmonization.

By joining efforts Belarus and Russia can and should secure a breakthrough in research and development. It is also essential to develop regional ad cultural partnership.

“Certain forces in Belarus and Russia are displeased by our comprehensive cooperation and rapprochement,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated. “By various means they are trying to destroy our unity, to start a quarrel between Belarus and Russia, weakening our positions that way. This is why we cannot allow these efforts to prosper and drive a wedge into our brotherly relations.”

It would be totally inadmissible to forget that Belarusians and Russians have gone through the hardest trials together, Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced. “In the Belarusian land we treat with due care the historic truth, the joint combat and labor accomplishments of our nations. We hold sacred the memory about the Great Patriotic War,” the President continued. “In two weeks we will mark a sorrowful date — the 75th anniversary since the day Nazi Germany launched a treacherous war against the USSR. The date will once again remind Belarusians and Russians that taking care of war veterans is a particularly responsible area of integration interaction,” the President said.

Among the fundamentally important themes of the current forum is the development of the single information space, the Belarusian head of state said.

It is important for Belarus and Russia to join efforts in conditions of the global crisis, the President of Belarus said.

The Belarusian President said that Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Minsk is important for the Belarusian people.

After the plenary meeting of the 3rd Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin visited the 26thinternational specialized expo Belagro 2016.

The heads of state saw the expositions of Belarus’ leading industrial enterprises, innovative products and projects of various agencies and organizations, new samples of equipment, light industry products.