Aleksandr Lukashenko makes new appointments

  • 14
  • 8:00

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko made personnel decisions on 25 September.

The head of state appointed:

Yuri Gorlov as Belarusian President’s Aide – Inspector for Gomel Oblast;

The President gave the go-ahead to the appointment of:

Gennady Sabynich as Vitebsk Mayor, member of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee;

Sergei Semenychev as Chairman of the Miory District Executive Committee;

Oleg Makarevich as Chairman of the Senno District Executive Committee;

Vladimir Belov as Chairman of the Ivatsevichi District Executive Committee;

Viktor Rafalovich as Chairman of the Gantsevichi District Executive Committee;

Dmitry Shinkarenko as Chairman of the Korma District Executive Committee;

Dmitry Chigir as Chairman of the Dribin District Executive Committee;

Oleg Korsak as Director General of the Bobruiskagromash Holding Management Company;

Roman Trubitsky as Director General of the Lidselmash Holding Management Company;

Viktor Galanov as Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection;

Vladimir Naumovich as Deputy Economy Minister;

Aleksei Geroyev as Vitebsk Oblast Vice Governor (construction and utilities);

Igor Kuznetsov as Chief of Administration of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee.

When approving the appointment of new local government officials, Aleksandr Lukashenko advised them to be more demanding with their subordinates.

The head of state recalled that a number of tasks were set at the national seminar-meeting on the development of livestock industry a few days ago. Moreover, many of the future district government chiefs were present at this event. “You know and understand the tasks that were set for livestock farming. The only thing I ask of you is not to be lenient and permissive. Those of you who worked in agriculture, and to a lesser extent others, know what I am talking about. People will come to you and say that this or that is impossible,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“But, as I often say, we are not at war. We do what we have always done in peacetime and what we know how to do. Make your subordinates do this,” the head of state demanded.

The President noted that there are enough issues in all regions, but three regions need increased attention: “Vitebsk Oblast and Gomel Oblast, Mogilev Oblast – there should be iron control there.”

The head of state gave a number of instructions in view of the upcoming election campaigns in the country as he made new appointments.

“I emphasize it once again: there is no ruling Communist Party, everything is in your hands [a comparison with the Soviet times, when the party played a significant role on the ground]. The country is gearing up for major election campaigns and the ideological component is of paramount importance. Please, think who will represent you in the parliament, the Belarusian People's Congress. We do not hide the fact that we have our nominees. It is the usual practice,” the head of state said. “This is a natural thing in any state, even the most democratic one. The USA has always taught us how to live. You see how the election campaigns are conducted there. God forbid we conduct elections their way, especially by mail.”

“We have our own tasks, our own goals. Pick up worthy patriotic people, professionals. Support them in the parliamentary elections and the elections to the Belarusian People's Congress. I am not hiding anything and you have nothing to hide either. But these should be professionals, decent people. Everything should be done so that people will support the candidates we back. We have enough smart, talented people,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Before this appointment, Yuri Gorlov, the new aide to the President - inspector for Gomel Oblast, was chairman of the Molodechno District Executive Committee. Therefore, Aleksandr Lukashenko asked him about the state of affairs in Molodechno District.

“The situation is stable; in the first half of the year, and over the seven months of this year all key socio-economic development targets were on track to be met,” Yuri Gorlov reported.

The President asked what Molodechno’s most struggling enterprise was. It was a metal structures plant. The enterprise does not have the necessary workload, and this issue was addressed at various levels, a number of instructions were given, including by the prime minister.

“Molodechno District and Minsk Oblast cannot provide enough orders [to keep the company busy]. A proposal was put forward to use the company's products  in the manufacturing industry of the republic,” Yuri Gorlov explained.

At the same time, he noted that there are other enterprises in the country that produce similar products. Therefore, the company is looking for orders abroad, and is currently working on a project with Russian partners. “I think that this year already we will start producing experimental samples of containers for transporting LNG (liquefied natural gas). If the project takes off, the enterprise will operate at 60-70% of its capacity. We will pull off. We already have samples,” he said.

“If you make them, they will order them from you. In fact, they have a huge demand for this product over there. You just need to offer a good product,” the President emphasized.

“This product can be used not only [for transportation] by rail. It can also be used in sea vessels,” Yuri Gorlov clarified.

“Even better!” noted the head of state.

Yuri Gorlov continued: “We have teamed up with partners from Leningrad Oblast and St. Petersburg. We are working together. They are responsive, they meet us halfway. I have recently had a personal meeting with them. We are negotiating this issue.”

At the end of the conversation, Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed Yuri Gorlov to keep an eye on these issues while working in his new capacity and report to the President about the progress: “This year will pass, the next one will begin - tell the government that you have this matter under control. Keep me updated. No other company in the country can do what the Molodechno enterprise did and can do with metal structures. This is a solid enterprise. Make sure it can meet the country’s needs for these products fully. We must proceed from this. It is rather narrow minded to think that a company located in Molodechno cannot extend its reach to Minsk Oblast and further.”