Working trip to Smolevichi District, Minsk Oblast

  • 9
  • 5:44

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko urged a careful approach to the reconstruction of the Mound of Glory Memorial in order to keep its original look intact.

The head of state first got familiar with the reconstruction of the upper platform of the memorial. Minsk Oblast Governor Aleksandr Turchin reported to the President on the stages of financing of construction and installation works and plans for their completion.

“It is not even about money. We must not spoil the original look,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized. “There is absolutely no need for frills here.”

For example, one of the discussed solutions was to install handrails along the stairs that lead to the top of the mound. On the one hand, their presence would make it safer to climb to the top. On the other hand, this may alter the original look of the architecture. The issue will be thoroughly looked into.

Talking to the media, Aleksandr Turchin said that the Mound of Glory is one of the most important symbols of Belarus. The philosophy of the monument delivers the heroic feat of our ancestors, who defeated the enemy and liberated the country.

“This complex should attract more visitors in order for them to remember the past," the Minsk Oblast governor said.

In 2023, the memorial complex was visited by about 105,000 people. In order to increase the tourist flow, the Minsk Oblast authorities made a decision on the reconstruction of the Mound of Glory. Plans are also in place to open a museum of the history of the Armed Forces of Belarus there. The Khatyn memorial complex can be cited as an example here. After its reconstruction and the opening of the museum there, the visitors numbers more than doubled to exceed 500,000 people a year.

“We set a goal to double the visitor numbers to the Mound of Glory at the bare minimum,” Aleksandr Turchin said.

Another proposal is to expand the exposition of military hardware from the Great Patriotic War. “This is one of the “magnets” that will draw tourists to the Mound of Glory,” the governor said.