President to hear our reports from chairmen of Vitebsk and Gomel oblast administrations

    President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko intends to hear out working reports on the development of the regions from the heads of the oblast administrations one by one. The Belarusian head of state made the relevant statement at the government session involving the chairmen of the Vitebsk Oblast and Gomel Oblast executive committees on 23 March.

    "Q1 2012 is nearly over. Results of Belarus' social and economic development in January-February are known. We can evaluate what we will achieve by the beginning of Q2 2012," the President said.

    According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the overall performance of the economy is reassuring. The production sector and the agriculture are developing with forecast parameters, both quantity and quality ones. A foreign trade surplus has been achieved. The monetary system is operating steadily. The currency market is in order. "But this is only macrolevel results. The situation is not totally bright in some regions. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the state of affairs at the local level in more detail in order to pull up those, who are lagging behind," the head of state stressed.

    "This is why I have decided to hear out reports from heads of oblast administrations in groups. Vitebsk and Gomel are the ones I will hear out today," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

    Attending the session were plenipotentiaries of the head of state and aides to the president for Vitebsk Oblast and Gomel Oblast. They are responsible equally wit the oblast governors for the situation in relevant regions, the head of state remarked.

    According to the President, since spring has begun, matters relating to the spotless organization of the sowing campaign are particularly important. This is why Aleksandr Lukashenko said he plans to visit southern parts of the country where spring field operations will begin earlier than they will in other regions.

    Addressing participants of the meeting, Aleksandr Lukashenko said he wanted them to focus primarily on problems and the fulfillment of the instructions given earlier. He said he wanted them to produce an objective evaluation of the social and political situation in the regions. "I absolutely do not need self-reports and reports about accomplishments," the President warned.