President approves Belarus-Russia air defense agreement
On 13 February President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 65 to approve the Belarusian-Russian agreement on joint protection of the external border of the Union State in the air space and the creation of a united regional Belarusian-Russian air defense system.
The agreement was signed on 3 February 2009 by the defense ministers. The document enables military and political conditions for better protection of the western borders of the Union State, better control over the observance of the rules that regulate the usage of Belarusian and Russian air space.
The agreement will allow equipping the troops of the united regional air defense system following a common military and technical policy. Common requirements for combat training, organization of operative and combat training of the troops will be worked out.
In the period of threat and the time of war some of the troops and means of the united regional air defense system will be used as part of the Belarusian-Russian military taskforce.
Once the agreement comes into force, the presidents of Belarus and Russia will be able to appoint the commanding officer for the united regional air defense system.