Greetings to special police units

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated active and retired members of special police units on their 35th anniversary.

    Since their founding, the special police units have been an important element of combating crime. They reliably protect security, law and order in normal and extreme circumstances showing exceptional professionalism, the Belarusian leader remarked.

    “Employees of the special police units are true professionals and real patriots who selflessly fulfill their official duty. Many of them have proved their worth in difficult, life-threatening situations, and have never shied away from dangerous assignments,” the President noted.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed confidence that all officers of the special police units will continue to make every effort to ensure the sovereignty and independence of the state, maintain peace and calm on the streets of Belarusian cities and villages, as well as in the homes and families of people.

    “I thank all the veterans who dedicated their lives to a difficult, but much-needed service for the country and people. I wish happiness, peace, goodness and prosperity to you, your families and friends,” the President said.