Aleksandr Lukashenko sends professional day greetings to public prosecution service

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated active and retired employees of the public prosecution service on their professional holiday.

    “The public prosecution service of sovereign Belarus makes a significant contribution to the development of the state, improvement of its legal mechanisms and protection of legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Your daily work ensures peace and social harmony. Oversight over the implementation of laws in all areas of life requires great professionalism, integrity and objectivity. All these qualities are fully inherent in the majority of employees of the public prosecution service,” the message of congratulations reads.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that in the year when Belarus marks the 80th anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi invaders, the investigation of the genocide of the Belarusian people is taking on new significance. The criminal case launched by prosecutors brings to light new evidence of the extermination of the civilian population during the Great Patriotic War, highlights the truth about the feat of Belarusians and the true price the country paid for its freedom and independence.

    The head of state addressed special words of gratitude to veterans who made a great contribution to the formation and strengthening of the public prosecution service.