Greetings to Kenya President William Ruto

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has extended greetings to Kenya President William Ruto on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    “Over this period we have developed strong friendly ties based on trust, respect and mutual desire to develop cooperation for the benefit of both peoples,” the message of greetings reads.

    The dialogue between Minsk and Nairobi is now consistent and progressive, the head of state noted. Priority areas for joint work have been identified, including mechanization of agriculture in Kenya, supply of Belarusian food products, development of business contacts.

    “I am convinced that the time has come to convert the potential accumulated over thirty years into concrete results,” the Belarusian leader emphasized. “I suggest discussing all possible areas of common interest during your visit to Minsk, which will bring our interaction to a qualitatively new level.”

    Aleksandr Lukashenko wished William Ruto good health and success, and also peace and wellbeing to the people of Kenya.