Greetings to the people of Montenegro

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko sent greetings to the people of Montenegro as the country celebrated the national holiday - Statehood Day. 

    "Over the past years, your country has passed a difficult path, gained freedom and recognition of its independence, has become a real gem of the Adriatic," the message of greetings reads. “Our peoples have common cultural traits and preserve the traditions of hospitality. Belarusians have always had a warm regard for Montenegrins and have always been in favor of maintaining and developing bilateral ties of the widest range." 

    The head of state expressed confidence that, despite the current difficult geopolitical situation, the interest of both countries in expanding the Belarusian-Montenegrin dialogue on the principles of equality and mutual respect has prospects and will continue.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko wished the people of Montenegro peace, harmony and progress.