Visit to Belarusian State University

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Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko paid a visit to the Belarusian State University (BSU) on 25 August.

The head of state chaired a meeting to discuss key issues related to the university's activities. The President also received a report on the role of BSU in the country's higher education system, the state and prospects of the university's development.

Apart from that, Aleksandr Lukashenko attended an exhibition at the Belarusian State University to get familiar with the university’s scientific research results.

Among the exhibits was a set of means of optical remote sensing of the Earth from the ISS – a video spectral equipment orientation system. The developer and manufacturer is the A. N. Sevchenko Institute of Applied Physical Problems of the Belarusian State University.

“You should not stop but move forward,” Aleksandr Lukashenko told the developers.

According to the university representatives, the set of means of optical remote sensing of the Earth from the ISS is unmatched in the world and is fully automatic, thus eliminating errors of manual guidance and letting significantly save the time of cosmonauts’ stay on board the station. The new complex is planned to operate in open space as well.

The President asked how this technology differed from the one developed by the National Academy of Sciences. The specialists explained that the technologies perform different tasks.

The head of state was also shown working models and systems of the aerospace measurements training laboratory, which are used to train specialists in aerospace technologies, space cartography and geodesy. Experts told the head of state about the application of terrain laser scanning, in particular, at the request of the General Prosecutor's Office to search for the burial sites of victims of genocide, and also about archaeological research. The university is also engaged in designing satellites. Recently the second generation satellite has been successfully launched. Now the university is developing engineering model systems to serve the satellite on the ground - these are antenna and optical systems.

As for drones, the head of state said: “Drones are a great future. These are control systems, surveillance, intelligence data. Therefore, you should not stop but move forward. If you do better than the Academy of Sciences or others (we have private companies developing drones), we will do business with you. We need to keep in mind these developments.”

The display also comprised veterinary drugs and environmentally friendly biological preparations for plants.

The developed veterinary drugs make it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the use of antibiotics in the treatment of animals. The drugs contain animals' proteins. Last year the sales of these preparations exceeded Br1 million.

The head of state was also briefed that the developed biological preparations for plants help increase the yield of agricultural crops up to 40%, including tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, and cabbage. Among the recently developed preparations are also forest protection products.

Aleksandr Lukashenko was demonstrated unique anticancer drugs and spirometers to assess the respiratory system. Food additives for the bakery, meat, confectionery and beverage industries also made part of the exhibition. The developer and manufacturer is UNITEKHPROM of the Belarusian State University.

The exhibition covered a wide range of scientific and educational activities of the university. The President was informed about the activities of the BRSM Youth Union, the university’s student teams and student outreach activities.

A new textbook on Belarusian statehood was demonstrated to Aleksandr Lukashenko. The announcement was also made that a corresponding atlas will also be introduced into the educational process on 1 September 2024. The President asked how much the textbook corresponds to the truth. Education Minister Andrei Ivanets said that the textbook was discussed at the National Council on Historical Policy under the Belarus President Administration and after that it was supported by the Education Ministry. “Let me see it,” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked.

The head of state praised the scientific research results presented at the exposition.