Aleksandr Lukashenko signs decree on development of securities market

    Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed decree No.126 meant to realize provisions of law No.197-3 “On amending the laws on matters concerning the securities market” of 18 July 2022. The decree is also designed to develop the securities market, toughen requirements for bond issuers, and enhance the protection of interests of investors, who are bond holders.

    In particular, the decree introduces the need to arrange an expert evaluation of the appraisal of property, which is pledged to ensure the fulfillment of bonded obligations. Until bonded obligations are fully honored, the possibility of terminating or amending surety agreements, issuer liability insurance agreements, and bank guarantee agreements shall be restricted.

    The decree also gives natural persons and legal persons the right to make transactions with securities on the stock exchange on their own. Apart from that, foreign professional traders are allowed to participate in stock trading. These norms are designed to stimulate investment activity on the securities market.