Meeting with representative of Central Committee of China’s Communist Party Meng Jianzhu

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Belarus and China reaffirmed mutual interest in the enhancement and development of all-round strategic partnership. The statement was made at the meeting of Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko and Meng Jianzhu, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China, on 18 August.

Welcoming the Chinese guest, the Belarusian head of state stressed that Belarus is closely watching the rising of the international prestige of China. The President expressed confidence that China will offer its opinion on the ways to solve the problems in the global economy and politics at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou in September. Aleksandr Lukashenko extended the best wishes for success of this high-profile forum to China President Xi Jinping.

The President stressed that he is looking forward to meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping and having a traditionally trust-based exchange of opinions during his state visit to China at the end of September. The visit is expected to advance Belarus-China cooperation to a higher level.

“Over the past 25 years since Belarus and China established diplomatic relations, a lot has been done to strengthen bilateral ties,” the Belarusian leader said. “We have no closed themes and unresolved issues in our dialogue.” In his opinion, the two countries have been steadily developing contacts in all areas. The Belarusian-Chinese business forum which took place in May 2015 gave a fresh impetus to interregional relations. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Chinese regions have been showing a big practical interest in closer cooperation with Belarus.

At the talks the sides agreed that it is needed to bolster regional contacts as a foundation of trade and economic cooperation which should be as advanced as political cooperation.

The President said that technological and investment ties should be the priority of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. “The recent launch of the Belarusian satellite from the Chinese Xichang Satellite Launch Center and the creation of modern defense systems helped advance our partnership to a brand-new, more trustworthy level. Apart from investments, it should be the engine propelling our bilateral cooperation,” the head of state noted.

The President did not doubt that the second session of the Belarusian-Chinese intergovernmental cooperation committee will be productive and will help determine concrete steps for the development of Belarus-China relations and implementation of top-level agreements.

The head of state thanked the Chinese guests for the resolution to enhance the Belarusian-Chinese friendship and partnership. “I think that everything is going to be all right,” Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced.

Meng Jianzhu, in turn, praised the comprehensive nature of its cooperation with Belarus. In his opinion, the Belarusian-Chinese relations are developing and growing stronger thanks to the leaders of the two countries. He pointed out the high level of mutual political trust and support at major international events. “We strongly support each other on the issues of mutual interest,” the Chinese guest remarked.

He praised the role of the Belarusian leader and his contribution to the development of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. He stressed that China views the visit of Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko as a landmark event in the Belarusian-Chinese relations in 2016. This Chinese delegation is gearing up for the visit of the Belarusian leader to China. “We hope that we will work productively in Belarus and will make our contribution to the development of traditionally friendly bilateral relations,” he said.