Meeting with Natalya Kochanova and Viktor Sheiman

  • 4
  • 1:47

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko has ordered to ensure safe operation of elections commissions in the country. The matter was discussed during his meeting with Natalya Kochanova and Viktor Sheiman on 1 August.

“Natalya Ivanovna [Kochanova], I will ask you as Chief of Staff of our election campaign, to talk to the governors. Ask them what support is needed. I ask you to pay special attention, and Viktor Vladimirovich [Sheiman] can help in this matter, to ensure security at polling stations. It is our sacred duty to ensure security at each polling station,” said the Belarusian leader. “You can see what is going on. There should be no excesses. It should not be so that they will start criticizing us for using the moment to limit someone somewhere. There is a law, and the election campaign must proceed according to the law.”

Addressing Head of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate Viktor Sheiman, the head of state noted that all possible support should be provided to the election commissions. “I talked about it at the beginning of the election campaign, support (including financial one) should be provided not only to the Central Election Commission, but also at the local level. We should discuss it with the governors,” said the head of state.

“Viktor Vladimirovich is in charge of the financial part of the matter, Natalya Ivanovna - the organizational one. Ask Lidia Mikhailovna Yermoshina [head of the Central Election Commission] what support she needs. If you need me to get involved, inform me at once,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.