Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Karl Erjavec

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Belarus and Slovenia are going to step up efforts to develop economic cooperation. The statement was made at the meeting of Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko with Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Karl Erjavec on 25 March.

“First of all, I would like to thank Slovenia for its position in relation to Belarus, in particular, when discussing issues with the EU. We are grateful people and see everything, ranging from political issues to simple relations between people. I mean your kind attitude to Belarusian children from Chernobyl-hit regions whom you regularly invite for recreation and recuperation,” the head of state emphasized.

“I do not think that there were or will be any problems at the political, diplomatic level or in relations between people. There are no problems at all and I do not think there will be any,” the head of state is convinced. “There was a pause due to the well-known reasons. We think that Slovenia has nothing to do with it.”

The head of state also recalled that Belarus has always had good relations with the republics of the former Yugoslavia. In the past, we could learn a lot from Yugoslavia. “Belarusian people and I personally respect this prosperous piece of land and Slovenians; this, of course, has a strong impact on the bilateral relations in the finest sense of the word,” the President emphasized.

The head of state remarked that the economy is the foundation of bilateral relations. “I am speaking about the economy not because there are certain problems. We cooperate with the Slovenian business, with all those who are willing to cooperate with us,” the President noted. “To stabilize our economic relations, it would be great for us to implement a number of large-scale joint projects, maybe, 3 or 4 projects. In fact, these projects are in the pipeline and will help establish strong links between the two countries, and even the European Union will not be able to influence them because the economy is the backbone of everything,” the President added.

Karl Erjavec, in turn, noted that Belarus and Slovenia maintain traditionally friendly relations. The meeting focused on the development of Belarus-Slovenia economic cooperation, mutually beneficial projects, including in the energy sector and wood processing. The Slovenian side is going to implement long-term promising projects with Belarus. The head of state encouraged Slovenian businessmen to step up efforts to branch out into the market of Belarus.

Besides, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia said that his country would like Belarus and the European Union to agree on the visa regime facilitation as soon as possible.

Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined that Belarus is prepared for the all-round cooperation with Slovenia on mutually beneficial terms.