Meeting with Chairman of Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev

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On 12 September Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Chairman of the Executive Committee – CIS Executive Secretary, head of the CIS observation mission in the parliamentary elections in Belarus Sergei Lebedev.

During the meeting with Sergei Lebedev Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Everyone understands that you are rooting for us although you are an independent observer. You have always told me truth about what we should improve. And, as you can notice, we have implemented everything you have mentioned.”

The head of state asked Sergei Lebedev about his opinion of the parliamentary elections in Belarus. According to the head of the CIS observer mission, the elections passed in a calm, organized, and open atmosphere. “They were democratic and transparent. And, the most important thing, they allowed citizens of Belarus to express their free will,” noted Sergei Lebedev.

The participants of the meetings also discussed the he preparations for the forthcoming session of the CIS Council of Heads of State in Bishkek. The CIS Executive Committee and the CIS member states have prepared a number of important resolutions which will be discussed by the presidents. These include the statement concerning the 25th anniversary of the CIS, a number of statements about politics and the war on international terrorism.