Meeting with CEO of EPC Engineering Consulting GmbH, Managing Director of EPC Group Jens Henkel

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Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with CEO of EPC Engineering Consulting GmbH, Managing Director of EPC Group Jens Henkel to discuss the participation of the German company in the development of OAO Mogilevkhimvolokno.

“We are always glad to implement joint projects with the representatives of the German business,” the head of state stressed. “I am aware of your specialization. It is very interesting because we have well-developed oil-processing and petrochemical industries. The opinions of your specialists in this field are very important for us.”

The participants of the meeting remarked that the German investor will implement one of the crucial projects in the high-tech sector jointly with the Belarusian company in the near future.

“I have recently visited the production association Mogilevkhimvolokno. It is needed to address a number of issues there, we have set a goal to modernize the enterprise by 2020,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President added that it would be great to reach an agreement and create the most advance production there. “Given you are an engineering and consulting company, we will proceed from the products we will make at certain enterprises and the prospects of these products on the markets. This issue should be a priority in our cooperation,” the head of state underlined. “We are ready to work with the company.”

Jens Henkel, in turn, said that he is glad to visit Belarus and views the country as his second Motherland. “It was a great honor for me to share my knowledge with you. I am convinced that Belarus has a very big potential. It is the country of well-educated people. I know virtually all chemical enterprises in Belarus, they are in excellent condition. There is good equipment, the territory is clean,” the businessman said. “I am convinced that it is high time to make strategic decisions regarding the application of new technologies and the manufacture of competitive products. There is a big potential for it.”