Meeting with Belarusian Prosecutor General Alexander Konyuk

    On 17 February President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Prosecutor General of Belarus Alexander Konyuk.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko was interested in results of the optimization of prosecution bodies. The President said: “You and I agreed that we would finish the entire reform of the organizational structure of the prosecution service by 1 January. What do we have today? What did we actually get?” According to Prosecutor General Alexander Konyuk, the optimization of the prosecution service has been completed. A compact system that comprises three levels — the district one, the oblast one, and the Office of the Prosecutor General — has been created.

    According to Alexander Konyuk, the optimization of prosecution bodies has been completed. They have created a compact system comprising prosecution bodies of districts, oblasts, and the Office of the Prosecutor General.

    The President also raised some points concerning the crime situation in the country. He reminded that the number of prisoners has been halved in Belarus in recent years — from roughly 60,000 to slightly more than 30,000. “Has the crime situation worsened due to that?” wondered the head of state. The Prosecutor General said that the number of crimes is decreasing.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that in the near future he intends to hear out reports regarding the performance of all the power-wielding agencies. “In the near future we will find the form and the opportunity to hear out the entire power-wielding block. We may even hold a conference at premises of the prosecution service since many issues converge in your area of expertise. Generally speaking, you control the legality of actions,” the President said.

    The head of state was told that the Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus will look more closely at accounts receivable of exporters. The Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus has an agreement in principle with the prosecutor general of Russia about joint actions in this regard.

    The Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus also intends to step up efforts to examine the effectiveness of usage of the equipment that has been bought at the expense of the state budget and with state support. Plans have been made for the Office of the Prosecutor General and the State Control Committee to hold a conference soon to outline the main areas of this work.

    In 2015 the Office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus will also prioritize tax legislation oversight.