Knowledge Day greetings

    Greetings to school and university students, post-graduate students, teachers and lecturers

    Dear friends,

    I wish you Happy Knowledge Day!

    This holiday embodies inseparable ties between generations, the transfer of wisdom and experience from parents to children, from teachers to students. At all times Belarusian people cherished education, experience, and professionalism. These qualities are the guarantee of wellbeing and sustainable development of the country. Therefore, we are focused on the preservation of the best teaching traditions, improvement of the education system, and upbringing of the younger generation.

    There will be more than 100,000 first-grade pupils in Belarus this year, other pupils, college and university students will begin a new stage in their education. I hope that the time spent at school will be bright and interesting for you, I hope that it will help you reveal your talents and find a place in life.

    1 September is a special day for our teachers. Being a teacher is a vocation and fate. The achievements of students depend on your professional skills and the level of training, an active civil position enhances the teacher’s role in the society.

    I hope that the new academic year will be full of labor achievements and sincere enthusiasm in mastering new skills, the joy of creative search, happiness and wellbeing.

    Happy Knowledge Day!

    Aleksandr Lukashenko