Greetings to participants of session of Eurasian Group for Combating Criminal Incomes Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

    Greetings to the participants of the 18th plenary session of the Eurasian Group for Combating Criminal Incomes Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

    Dear friends,

    I send my best greetings to the participants of the 18th plenary session of the Eurasian Group for Combating Criminal Incomes Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.

    The Republic of Belarus is an active and staunch advocate of complete solidarity of the global community for the joint fight against transnational organized crime, international terrorism, financial fraud and corruption.

    Such events went beyond national borders long ago. And no country in the world can effectively stand up to these serious threats alone. It is possible to succeed only by means of concerted efforts of all participants of the process at local, regional and global levels with the overall introduction of universal standards of fighting money laundering and financing of terrorism.

    Within nine years your organization has made a considerable contribution to this joint work. Its achievements and authority are by right acknowledged by the international community.

    I am convinced that today’s session will promote further consolidation of efforts in eradicating financial fraud, will become an important step on the way to building the global network of counteracting these modern threats.

    I wish you productive work, every success and new achievements in fulfilling important tasks.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko