Greetings to 100th anniversary of Belarusian police

    Dear workers of law enforcement bodies, dear veterans,

    I sincerely congratulate you on the 100th anniversary of Belarusian police.

    This anniversary symbolizes respect for the best traditions of serving our people and country which have been established by many generations of workers of the Interior Ministry. Celebrating the 100th anniversary, we are by right proud of the true professionals loyal to the Law, honor those who have been doing their best to eradicate crimes.

    When choosing this difficult and courageous profession, you have devoted yourselves to the responsible and noble mission – to protect the interests of the society, the lives and tranquility of people. I am convinced that being loyal to your oath you will fulfill your duty with dignity.

    I would like to thank the veterans of law enforcement bodies – the people who have been selflessly serving the Fatherland. Today a new generation of workers maintains the public order in the country and continues their work adding new glorious pages to the history of Belarus.

    I wish all policemen, their families and friends strong health, happiness and every success in their service in the name of the Homeland.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko