Greetings from President Aleksandr Lukashenko on the State Coat of Arms and State Flag Day

    Dear fellow citizens,

    I cordially congratulate you on the Day of the State Coat of Arms and State Flag of the Republic of Belarus.

    These state symbols rightly embody the sovereignty of Belarus, affirm that the Belarusian people are the masters of their land and they decide how to make their home more comfortable and what road to choose.

    They reflect Belarus's centuries-old history which comprises pages of courage and heroism in times of severe trials and great achievements in the era of creation.

    I am confident that thanks to our diligence, unity, patriotism we will surmount any obstacles and achieve every success on the way to strengthening and prosperity of our Fatherland.

    I wish you health, peace, and well-being.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko