Distinguished Belarusians honored with state awards

    President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko bestowed state awards upon representatives of the manufacturing industry and construction sector, civil servants, law enforcement personnel, the military, athletes, cultural workers and artists on 1 February.

    The President noted that these state awards demonstrate recognition and gratitude for many years of hard work.

    “We honor those who build homes and industrial facilities, those who work at factories, who maintain peace and order in the country, who glorify Belarus at sports competitions, who preserve and multiply intangible property of the nation and pass it to the younger generation,” the President said.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko praised the work of the company Grodnopromstroy that builds homes, factories and healthcare facilities. The company commissioned the hydropower plant on the Neman River, which will help Belarus boost its energy capacities. The company also took part in the construction of industrial facilities for the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

    The President also presented state awards to athletes who won medals at prestigious competitions.

    “It is a pleasure to see here cultural figures and teachers. Your objective is to preserve, multiply and pass to the next generations the best of what Belarus has,” the head of state said.

    Honorary titles were bestowed upon people working at the National Library, theater personalities, actors, musicians from the Gorky Drama Theater, the Youth Theater and the Belarusian State Philharmonic.

    In the run-up to the Homeland Defenders’ Day Aleksandr Lukashenko presented state awards to servicemen, including representatives of the Defense Ministry, the Interior Ministry, the Investigation Committee, and the Financial Investigations Department. They were bestowed orders and medals for their impeccable service, consistent and uncompromising fight against crime, efforts to strengthen the national security.

    The President separately praised officers and staff of the Interior Ministry troops who make sure Belarusians will be safe during sports, cultural, public and political events. “Please, accept the sincere gratitude on behalf of all the people for your fidelity to duty, courage and dedication,” the President said.

    “A philosopher once said that true merits of a person are not measured by outstanding acts of bravery, but by everyday work; therefore I want to congratulate everyone who multiplies the country’s assets by their daily labor,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

    The President wished all those present the ceremony unflagging energy, inspiration, new achievements in the best interests of Belarus, health, happiness and well-being.