Congratulations of the President on the Day of the Fatherland Defender and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus

    Dear compatriots, soldiers and veterans of the Armed Forces,

    I warmly congratulate you on the Day of the Fatherland Defender and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

    There is no nobler duty in our country than the defense of the Fatherland. Soldiers won everlasting glory during the Great Patriotic War. Their heroism, courage, patriotism, readiness to sacrifice themselves in the name of peace, freedom and happiness of people have been inscribed in the golden pages of the history of our Fatherland.

    Cherishing traditions of older generations, descendants of victors protect native borders and guarantee the right to the future for the Belarusian people in accordance with the historical choice.

    Devotion to the interests of the country, morality and business qualities, professionalism of soldiers of the Armed Forces confirm their determination to decently serve their Motherland.

    The state has always supported and will support its defenders who ensure peace and tranquillity in our common home.

    I wish you strong health, optimism, success in your military service for the benefit of the Belarusian people.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko