Conferment of state awards

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In the run-up to International Women’s Day, 8 March, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko presented state awards to Belarusian women.

“This holiday is associated with the awakening of nature after a long winter slumber, beauty and the eternal revival of life. It is deeply symbolic that this wonderful day is dedicated to you – the most beautiful creatures,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko hopes that men and the entire society will always take care of women.

The President pointed out the huge role of women in the society. Being the majority of the Belarusian population , women make an invaluable contribution to the enhancement of the young sovereign state, development of all industries, and help ensure the prosperous future, the head of state believes.

“Many daughters of the Belarusian nation have added bright pages to the history book of our Homeland. They have become an example of mercy and wisdom, diligence and loyalty to the native land,” the President said.

“It is good that our female contemporaries do not stay aside from the most urgent issues of the modern life, master promising professions and technologies. At the same time, they retain the best spiritual qualities being excellent mothers and taking care of the younger generation,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

“May this award ceremony encourage us to convey the words of sincere gratitude and love to all Belarusian women, not only to those present at the meeting. You deserve honor and respect for all your successes and achievements at work,” the President emphasized.

Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked workers of agriculture, healthcare, education of Belarus. State awards were conferred on the director of OAO Starobinsky (Soligorsk District), the head of the Interior Ministry’s hospital, the director of Brest secondary school No. 20.

State awards were conferred on workers of Belpochta and Beltelecom, representatives of border protection and customs agencies, dancers of the Belarusian State Dance Company and actors of the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theater, renowned athletes in such sports as freestyle wrestling and weightlifting.

“But the most difficult, responsible and important role in the world is to bring up children,” the President said and presented the Orders of Mother to women with five and more children. Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked them for being good mothers which is the noblest and most important role in the country. “This is the greatest gift and the greatest miracle on Earth. As people’s poet Yanka Bryl said, children are the evidence of eternity,” the head of state believes.

Aleksandr Lukashenko thanked women for their commitment to what they are doing. “May the honorary titles, orders and medals be a visible testimony to the respect of your colleagues, and a memorable present on International Women’s Day,” the President said. He wished all the awardees health, happiness, unflagging energy, sincere love of their kith and kin, and healthy children.