Commentary to Decree No. 572 of 9 December 2014

    Additional measures to support families with children will be enforced in Belarus on 1 January 2015. Corresponding Decree No. 572 was signed by the Belarusian President on 9 December.

    In particular, families giving birth to the third and subsequent children will be rewarded with a lump-sum payment of $10,000.

    Qualifying for the bonus will be Belarusian citizens who will give birth to or adopt the third and subsequent children in the period of 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019.

    Families will be able to apply for the bonus at local executive and regulatory authorities. Families should claim the money within six months after the birth or adoption of the third or subsequent children. They will be able to use the money when this child turns 18.

    The money can be used to improve housing conditions, get education or other services, including social services and healthcare services, or be deposited to a mother’s pension account. The money can be used before a child turns 18 if a family needs to pay for the medical services included in the list of the Healthcare Ministry.

    The financing will be provided in U.S. dollars.

    If the money is not claimed within three years after the child turns 18, or is not used within five years after a family files a relevant application, the funds will be returned to the national budget.

    Families caring for a child under 3 years will be able to claim a monthly allowance for their other children aged 3 to 18 years. The allowance will make up 50% of the upper limit of the average per capita minimum subsistence budget for the past two quarters approved by the Labor and Social Security Ministry.

    In line with the decree, this allowance will be provided to a mother or a father, an adoptive or foster parent bringing up children under 3 years and children aged 3 to 18 years and qualifying for childcare benefits for children under 3 years. The allowance will not be provided to families whose children are brought up at boarding schools or day and night care centers.

    Besides, the interest rate on subsidized housing loans for young families with two underage children will be reduced to 5% per annum.

    The document approves a provision on the one-time cashless transfer of money to families upon the birth or adoption of the third and subsequent children. The decree also enacts a provision on granting monthly allowances to families with children aged from 3 years to 18 years for the period of bringing up a child under 3 years.