Commentary to Decree No. 524 of 28 November 2013
On 28 November President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed Decree No. 524 “Concerning sanitary and quarantine control in border checkpoints of the Republic of Belarus”.
The document specifies that border services of the Republic of Belarus can conduct sanitary and quarantine control (previously it was carried out by the Healthcare Ministry) at Belarusian border checkpoints. In particular, these agencies can check documents which confirm the safety of goods (products) that are included in section II of the unified list of goods subject to the sanitary and quarantine control at the customs border and customs territory of the Customs Union. The list was approved by Resolution No. 299 of the Customs Union Commission “Concerning sanitary control in the Customs Union” on 28 May 2010.
The new set of rules will streamline customs procedures.
The Decree shall enter into force on 1 January 2014.