Ceremony to present shoulder boards to senior commissioned offers

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Security and stability are supreme values of the Belarusian nation. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement during the ceremony held on 23 February to award new ranks to top officers of the army and power-wielding agencies.

“Today Belarus celebrates one of the most important holidays for the country — Day of the Fatherland’s Defenders,” noted the head of state. “Our nation has always held in high esteem the selfless labor of the men in uniform. Fighting for freedom and independence of the native land, the nation has demonstrated unparalleled examples of courage, valor, and bravery to the entire world.”

The President stressed that most of the Belarusian men as well as several women have been and are in the active military service. This is why for many decades 23 February has been the date to unite the entire society around the noble idea of service for and protection of the Fatherland.

“Security and stability are supreme values of the Belarusian nation. By giving a tribute of respect to the military of all generations, we remember the price we’ve paid for peace and tranquility in our land,” stressed the Belarus President.

“Unfortunately the new century did not free the mankind from wars. The escalation of global tension continues,” the head of state said. In his words, the events of the recent years clearly demonstrate that the world has entered a new reality where confrontations do not stop even for a moment.

Aleksandr Lukashenko added that the “systemic use of violent methods in non-military areas, especially finance, economy, and information sector, has changed the essence of modern warfare.”  All means, both military and non-military, are now used simultaneously. “Its elements which were tested in Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya are widely used today,” the President stressed. “We can see this in Syria, Ukraine, and other states. All recent military conflicts have one thing in common: external threats are carried out through internal sources. As a rule, these attempts end with the change of government and the destruction of the state.”

“This scenario is inadmissible for us. However, there have attempts to impose it on Belarus,” the President added.

According to the Belarusian head of state, the main provisions of the Military Doctrine of Belarus were revised in line with the existing challenges and potential threats to the security of the state. “The doctrine is defensive. The document also spells out the country’s readiness to defend its national interests through a set of measures of strategic deterrence in order to prevent attacks, and to use military force in case of aggression,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

The measures have been outlined to ensure the country’s military security in the present-day conditions. The main areas of the country’s military development have been also identified.

“There is no doubt that these measures will be implemented. For this, everything is in place,” the President said. “Firstly, this is high patriotism of our people. Secondly, this is the armed forces’ ability to defend sovereignty and independence. Thirdly, this is public respect for people in uniform.”

“I am sure that you all will justify the confidence of people and will provide them with an opportunity to work peacefully and make life better and more beautiful. Happy Fatherland Defender’s Day!” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko presented general’s shoulder boards to senior commissioned officers. Lieutenant general’s shoulder boards were awarded to Stanislav Zas. Major general’s shoulder boards were conferred on Viktor Khrenin, Igor Mozhilovsky, Sergei Dudko, Vasily Gedko. The major general of justice rank was awarded to Ivan Noskevich. Alexander Chadyuk became the state advisor of justice 3rd class.

“You deserve these ranks,” the head of state stressed at the ceremony to present general’s shoulder boards.