Birthday greetings to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev

    Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has extended birthday greetings to Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev.

    “Thanks to the unconditional talent of a leader, you as a head of state have managed to implemented an effective model of economic development of Azerbaijan, strengthen the authority of the state in the international arena,” the message of greetings reads.

    The head of state congratulated the president of Azerbaijan on his successful presidency in the Non-Aligned Movement and noted that the strategic partnership between Minsk and Baku, based on respect and mutual understanding, allows achieving significant results both in trade and economy and in other areas of cooperation.

    “I highly appreciate our friendship, the trusting nature of relations between the two countries and I am looking forward to new meetings and interesting joint projects in various areas,” the Belarusian leader emphasized.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko wished Ilham Aliyev further fruitful activity for the benefit of Azerbaijan, strong health, peaceful sky, happiness to him and his family and friends.