Belarus President receives credentials of foreign ambassadors

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Belarus is viewed as a reliable and predictable partner on the international arena, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he received credentials of foreign ambassadors on 13 December.

The head of state received the credential of the ambassadors of Burkina Faso, the Republic of Indonesia, Canada, the Republic of Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Mongolia, Republic of Finland, FrenchRepublic, State of Eritrea, Republic of Estonia, and of the Apostolic Nuncio to Belarus.

The President emphasized that this year Belarus marks the 25th anniversary of its sovereignty. “Within a rather short period of time we overcame an economic recession caused by the collapse of the USSR and, in fact, restored the socially-oriented state. We have carried out the systematic modernization in virtually all industries and sectors of the economy so far,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “We are by right proud of the state-of-the-art avenues of business, namely nuclear energy, space exploration, biotechnology, defense technologies.”

According to the head of state, Belarus is associated with an island of stability in the region for a reason as it promotes such values as infinite peacefulness and security. “We consistently advocate for the resolution of conflict situations using civilized methods, at the negotiations table. They must be solved without the use of military force, without any political and economic pressure. Minsk has become an important platform for the regulation of regional crises today,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

The President reminded that the new composition of the National Assembly was formed in September 2016. He expressed hope for the expansion of parliamentary cooperation.

Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined that Belarus is always open for cooperation and mutually beneficial projects. “Belarus has one of the most open economies in the world. Apart from taking measures to promote business, we are now doing our best to advance international trade and economic ties,” the President reminded.

Belarus is one of the founders of the Eurasian Economic Union which turned into one of the largest integration associations in Eurasia in two years after its formation. “I am convinced that by developing economic relations with Belarus you will appreciate truly unlimited prospects granted by the access to the common market of the EEU,” the Belarusian leader said.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus pays special attention to the cooperation with the countries of the European Union promoting the constructive idea of “the integration of integrations”, and put hopes on its neighbors in this respect.

The President emphasized that Lithuania is an important foreign economic partner in Europe for Belarus. “We maintain productive cooperation in transport, transit, and investment. We need to make more progress in this field and use the existing potential in full,” he said.

The Belarusian side is also open for the fruitful dialogue with Finland. “The attraction of investments and the use of modern Finnish technologies in the modernization of Belarusian enterprises are of special importance for our country,” the President noted.

“It is hard to overestimate the role of France as one of the political and economic heavy hitters in the European Union and in the whole world. We hope that the FrenchRepublic will support our commitment to the multiple-vector foreign policy and a big involvement of the country in the international economic relations,” the Belarusian leader stated.

Belarus is ready to expand all-round contacts, including the political, trade, and economic cooperation, with Estonia.

“Our country is interested in the pragmatic interaction with Luxembourg in all aspects of bilateral, regional, and global cooperation. Taking into account the status of Luxembourg as one of the financial centers in Europe, we are interested in bolstering contacts, in the economy, first of all, in credit and investment,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

The Belarusian President hopes to strengthen cooperation with the Vatican. “For our country, the Vatican is a special partner in the international dialogue. We enjoy complete understanding and trust with the heads of the Roman Catholic Church and His Holiness Pope Francis,” the head of state stressed. Aleksandr Lukashenko is confident that the new Apostolic Nuncio will contribute to the further strengthening of traditionally friendly and fruitful bilateral cooperation.

Belarus sees good prospects for expanding cooperation with Canada. “The market of Canada looks very promising for our country. We hope that the decision of the Canadian government to lift restrictions in trade with Belarus will contribute to the establishment of the corresponding bilateral economic cooperation and strengthening of the political dialogue,” the President said.

The development of relations with Indonesia is also of great interest to Belarus, especially taking into account that the country is the biggest economy in the ASEAN.

According to the President, Belarus has recently intensified the dialogue with Mongolia as well. The countries resumed contacts at the high and supreme levels, expanded the legal framework, enhanced trade and economic relations.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that Belarus continues seeking common ground with a view to expanding cooperation with African countries. In his words, Belarus can boast positive experience in cooperation with Burkina Faso with regard to the supplies of technical products. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that Eritrea is an area where a lot still can be done.

At the meeting with the ambassadors after the credentials ceremony the President emphasized that Belarus is interested in building mutually beneficial cooperation with all states and integration associations.

The head of state also pointed out the big importance of joint efforts to preserve peace and stability. “It is good that there are peace and stability in our states. Value them, and we will be the best partners.”