Belarus President approves utility tariffs for population in 2019
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko signed a decree to establish utility tariffs for the population in 2019 on 22 December.
As a result, utility bills for a typical two-room apartment with three people living in it will increase by $5 in the equivalent provided that the consumption of services does not exceed the established norm.
The tariffs will be increased in two steps. Tariffs for gas, electricity, water supply and disposal, capital repairs, sanitary maintenance of auxiliary facilities will be increased (by $3.9 in aggregate) on 1 January.
Tariffs for heat and hot water supply will be increased by $1.1 on 1 July when the heating season is over. Tariffs for technical maintenance, use of elevators, disposal of municipal solid wastes will be kept at the level of 2018.
Because of the increase in utility tariffs the state will continue providing cashless housing subsidies to low-income groups of the population. Such subsidies are provided to people and families with a condition that their monthly utility bills exceed 20% of their monthly aggregate income in urban areas and 15% in rural areas.