Aleksandr Lukashenko receives credentials from foreign ambassadors

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On 13 May President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko  received credentials from ambassadors of eight countries.

Ambassadors of Australia, Greece, Italy, Cambodia, China, Serbia, Sudan and Czechia presented credentials to the Belarusian head of state.

The head of state said that the foreign ambassadors in Belarus will see the country’s willingness to resolve any issues and commitment to fruitful and productive collaboration. "We will do everything to ensure that the relations with the countries that you represent should become a worthy example of friendship and business partnership," the Belarusian leader said.

"I will do everything to ensure that by the time you need to leave Belarus, you will be reluctant to do that. I want Belarus to become your second home. This has happened to almost all of the ambassadors who represented your countries in Belarus before,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

The ceremony of the presentation of credentials takes place in the light of two iconic events for Belarus, the President noted. One of them is the celebration of Victory Day. "It is hard to overestimate its crucial importance for Belarus, for the history of humanity. The heroism of our people, its great contribution to the defeat of fascism, the liberation of Europe from the ‘brown plague’ make the moral core of our people, thanks to which we continue to go forward on the chosen path with our heads up high. Belarusian people lost a third of its sons and daughters to achieve Great Victory. Understanding this heavy price will help you understand the essence of the Belarusians identity, our rejection of violence and our desire to live in peace and harmony with its neighbors, defend our interests in the international arena,” the head of state said.

The second milestone event is the 2014 IIHF World Championship. According to the President, Belarus has made its best to prepare and host this world’s sporting forum. “For Belarus it is a great honor to host this biggest international sport event which unites countries and continents,” Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked.

Addressing the diplomats, the head of state stressed that Belarus and the countries they represent are united by a natural desire to make the states more prosperous and the world more stable and just. “It is the approach which can become a solid foundation for efficient bilateral cooperation, an equal and constructive dialogue,” the Belarusian leader noted.

The President also pointed out Belarus’ interest in further cooperation with its foreign partners, discussion of any joint projects and initiatives which might take the cooperation between the countries onto a new level. “We count on your active participation in the process,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

"I would like to emphasize that we hope for further strengthening of cooperation with the People's Republic of China. The cooperation between our countries has grown into a comprehensive strategic partnership. It is distinguished by an active political dialogue at the high and highest levels,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. "We can always count on the friendly support of Great China literally in all areas and we appreciate this. We already have dozens of major investment projects, and we are ready for the dynamic strengthening of the interaction,” the head of state stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the Chinese Ambassador to convey his best wishes to President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. “I think that we will be able to meet in the near future and discuss the issues that are of mutual interest. I am very grateful to you for the support of our country,” the President said.

The head of state underlined that Belarus is in favor of the comprehensive development of relations with Cambodia. "Our business cooperation is only gaining momentum, but we see good prospects. I am convinced that the joint facility to manufacture Belarusian tractors that opened in Cambodia this year will be the first step towards closer mutually beneficial ties,” the Belarusian leader said.

"I think that soon we will meet with your leadership on your land," the President said addressing the Ambassador of Cambodia.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed there were every condition for fruitful development of cooperation with Australia. “This year we plan to open our diplomatic representative office in Canberra. We hope this step will help us to use more fully the potential of the economic, scientific, educational and cultural cooperation,” the President said.

Belarus views Serbia as a key partner and a sincere friend not only in the Balkan region but in entire Europe. “Belarus is ready to continue regular contacts at the high and top levels with Serbia,” the head of state remarked.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, there are good prospects for advancing traditional ties in the manufacturing sector, petrochemistry, construction, energy sector, agriculture, tourism, hospitality business.

The head of state said that he is going to visit Serbia in the near future.

Belarus-Italy cooperation is important considering the forthcoming presidency of Italy in the European Union and the formation of the Eurasian Economic Space. “We are interested in advancing bilateral cooperation in all formats. Belarus-Italy interaction becomes especially important because in H2 2014 Italy will take the presidency in the European Union and in 2015 the Eurasian Economic Union will be formed,” the President said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belarus and Italy maintain close relations. “This country was the first one that helped us organize rehabilitation of children from Chernobyl-hit regions. Italy remains our main partner in the humanitarian field,” the Belarusian leader noted.

The President also received credentials from ambassadors of Greece and Czechia. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus is interested in closer all-round cooperation with these countries. “In my opinion, our short-term objectives are the organization of stable political dialogue and expansion of economic ties, tourism and cultural exchange,” the Belarus President said.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, one of the priorities of Belarus’ foreign policy is the enhancement of cooperation with African countries. Belarus expects to boost trade and economic interaction with Sudan,” the head of state said. “We hope to intensify bilateral contacts and take measures to develop all-round cooperation in the near future,” the Belarusian leader added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also remarked that the Belarusian side is planning to visit African countries, including Sudan. The corresponding program of the visits is being prepared.

At the meeting with foreign diplomats the President touched upon various issues, namely political, trade, economic, humanitarian cooperation and sport, especially the IIHF World Championship which is held in Belarus.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the IIHF World Championship in Minsk helps foreign nationals shape an unbiased opinion about Belarus. “It was important for us that people who had never been to Belarus, active people, ice hockey fans would come here and see the country with their own eyes. A lot of bad things have been written about us. Therefore, I wanted to do everything to help foreigners get an objective picture of Belarus,” the Belarusian leader noted.