Aleksandr Lukashenko sends Women’s Day greetings

    Dear Compatriots,

    Our dear and beloved mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives, daughters and colleagues,

    It is during this beautiful season of long anticipated spring, that I would like, on behalf of all Belarusian men, to wish you Happy Women’s Day.

    You are the spring of life and the beginning of all beginnings. A woman with all her wisdom and strength symbolizes the core foundation on which the world is built. You inspire us to be heroes and discoverers, you make us happy with just one glance, you can stop a battle with just one word and it is your gift of kids which makes the mankind last forever. It is not coincidence that some of the most cherished by every Belarusian words such as Earth, Motherland and Belarus – they all are of feminine gender.

    Today you represent one of the most powerful forces behind the social and economic development and political stability in Belarus, its scientific and cultural progress. Your knowledge, talent and extraordinary diligence bring about fantastic results in various aspects of our life. And yet, you are so incredibly compassionate, gentle and beautiful and you continue to be good mothers and wives, dedicated and reliable partners.

    Please accept these words of admiration, gratitude and devotion for everything you do for your families and the country. Let your homes be peaceful, well and filled with never-ending children’s laugh. Let the heavenly love blossom in your hearts.

    Health, success, happiness and kindness to you and your close ones.

    Happy Women’s Day, the holiday of joy and smiles.

    Aleksandr Lukashenko